Tuesday, September 8, 2009

{ first day of preK }

It was a big day here at the B house as our little boy took off for his first day of Preschool.  T was all ready to go this morning and was super eager to see & explore all the cool things in his classroom and play with all of his classmates.  
T's favorite thing about his 1st Day of School --- "playing in the gym".  


Barbie said...

How cute. He looks so grown up and ready to take on the world. (At least preschool) I hope he always continues to be excited about school.

Cassady said...

Looks like he had a great first day!

CJTacky said...

You take such great photos!! Thanks for sharing your talent and your journey!

Alysen said...

That's really cute Keely.

Lairah said...

How adorable! I always enjoy your pictures of you and your family.